5 common myths about manufacturing transdermal patches

Transdermal patch on arm

Manufacturing transdermal patches can be a valuable way for cosmetics, health and wellness brands to expand product lines, enter new markets and reach more customers. We know because we help many of our partners do just that, delivering end-to-end manufacturing and converting solutions for formulating, designing, producing and packaging transdermal patch products. But in talking with people in our industry, we also hear a lot of misconceptions about what it takes to create these products — or whether it’s even worth it. From CBD patches to B12 patches, pain relief products to sleep aids and everything in between, some manufacturers are unsure about the viability of bringing these products to market. So, we thought we’d use our experience to dispel some common myths about manufacturing transdermal patches.

Myth #1: The market is already oversaturated with CBD patches and other transdermal products

Truth: There is still ample opportunity for manufacturers to make an impact and capture market share for a variety of transdermal patch products. In total, the U.S. market for transdermal patches in 2020 was estimated at around $17.6 billion. Some experts project that to grow to around $30.5 billion by 2026. When thinking about CBD patches specifically, some organizations predict the U.S. market for CBD products will hit $6 billion by 2025, while others project it to hit $20 billion by 2024. So, it’s clear there is a lot of room to grow in this space, and a lot of demand that will need to be met. Brands and manufacturers that can establish product lines now will be in a better position to grow alongside the overall market.

Myth #2: Ambiguous laws and regulations for manufacturing CBD patches make the idea too risky

Truth: It is possible to manufacture CBD patches and other therapeutic products without putting your company in legal jeopardy. Yes, there was a time early in the CBD craze where governmental bodies were scrambling to enact new laws, resulting in a patchwork of regulations. Although CBD laws and regulations continue to evolve, there is much less gray area than there once was and legal resources are much more familiar with manufacturing rules and registration requirements for producers of cannabis-derived products. The FDA also has clear guidance on what is legal to put into formulations for transdermal absorption. Any brand or manufacturer looking to get into this space should still consult their legal counsel. But starting to create these products is not the venture into the wilderness it once was. Brands that partner with a reliable converter can feel confident they will stay compliant and produce products consumers will love.

Myth #3: Adhesive converters shy away from working with transdermal materials, including CBD

Truth: There are many adhesive converters — including The Tape Lab — that are ready and willing to take on any transdermal patch manufacturing project. Sure, some companies may not have the experience or expertise to reliably deliver these types of products. But others have been doing it for years and can create transdermal patches that meet exact dosage and quality standards in every production run. Partnering with a trusted converter that has a proven track record of manufacturing transdermal patches can help keep production costs in check by streamlining the development process, ultimately helping you bring products to market faster.

Myth #4: Customers don’t want patches, they want other forms of CBD

Truth: Patches have carved out their own space in the CBD market alongside gummies, oils and other products. In fact, “topicals” as a product category currently dominate the U.S. CBD market, making up around 50% of all CBD products sold. One survey found that 8% of CBD users are interested in patches specifically, while another 8% are interested in skin care products, 12% in soaps and 18% in topical sprays. So, consumers are already on board with transdermal absorption as a transmission method, and patches can be a great option for timed or slow-release products. As more patches become available to consumers, preferences are likely to change. The key is to make sure any stick-to-skin product is comfortable, breathable and doesn’t irritate or damage the skin. By prioritizing the wearer’s experience, manufacturers can create transdermal patch products that users love and want to use.

Myth #5: Plant-based transdermal patches are too difficult to manufacture to be cost-effective

Truth: Transdermal patches are a viable product when producing them with the right partner. Sure, from a design and production standpoint, plant-based transdermal patches are more complex than a label or sticker. But the challenge is far from insurmountable. Experienced adhesive converters can fall back on knowledge gained from past projects to speed product development, using tried-and-true materials and production methods to streamline operations. Essentially, a converter partner can tweak established designs to infuse high-quality materials with your unique therapeutic formulation and create new products that stand out in the market. By finding the right partner rather than starting from scratch, you can achieve cost-effective manufacturing that moves your business forward.

Interested in learning more about manufacturing transdermal patches? Contact The Tape Lab today to see how our private labeling services can help you get products into market quickly and on-budget.

Transdermal patch development and converting 101

Close-up of a photo-etched metal sheet.

The science of skin has come a long way in recent years, and transdermal patches are now a widely popular delivery method for a host of cosmetic, therapeutic and pharmaceutical treatments. Having gained widespread acceptance among consumers, the market for stick-to-skin patches can be very lucrative. To speed the development process and avoid costly issues, here are some things to consider when embarking on transdermal patch development.

The market for transdermal patches

Whether you’re talking about B12 patches, melatonin patches or even delivery systems for manuka honey, transdermal patches are in high demand. Overall, the market for transdermal patches was estimated at around $17.6 billion in 2020. Projections show that growing to around $30.5 billion by 2026.

Many companies are looking at manufacturing CBD patches in particular because the CBD market alone is estimated at nearly $3.5 billion, with projections showing significant future growth. CBD sales are expected to reach roughly $13.4 billion by 2028.

However, taking advantage of the transdermal patch market is no easy feat. In 2019, the CEO of one pharmaceutical company estimated that “the cost of developing a novel molecule-patch combination is nearly $2 billion.” But that same CEO estimated “the cost of developing a generic transdermal patch is less than 5% of the cost of a novel patch.”

This is where a tape converting partner can provide significant value. Instead of reinventing the wheel and incurring all the associated costs, a converter can provide tried-and-true methods that speed product development and eliminate headaches in the process.

For tips on how to take stick-to-skin products from concept to commercial production, download our ebook, Designing and Producing Wearable Stick-to-Skin Products.

Converting services for transdermal patches

Transdermal patch development is almost always easier, faster and cheaper when done in partnership with a tape converting services company. That’s because an experienced tape converter that can both formulate custom adhesives for transdermal patches and has the capabilities to die cut and package your patches can assist at nearly every stage of the product development process — from prototyping to packaging.

An experienced converting partner can help you:

Design your transdermal patch

  • A knowledgeable converter can help you design a delivery system (i.e., matrix patch or pre-dosed patch) that can deliver the intended therapeutic through the adhesive layer.
  • Sizing of the patch and location on the body for the patch are paramount in the success of the product. An experienced tape converter who knows the transdermal and stick-to-skin market is essential for the success of your overall design.

Select the right type of pressure sensitive adhesive

Ensure consistency in the finished product

  • Consumers expect (and regulators demand) a consistent payload or dosage from transdermal patch products.
  • Reliable converting processes help ensure each patch delivers a consistent experience.

Choose materials for the carrier and liner layers

  • A converter with ties to major suppliers can help you source the premium materials you need to make products that stand out in the marketplace.
  • Extended tape liners make products easier to apply for consumers.
  • A converter with full packaging resources can be your full turnkey solution to launching and maintaining a consistent supply chain.

Cut materials to the desired shape

  • Whether you want squares, ovals or a butterfly shape, a converter with an array of die cutting, slitting and sheeting capabilities can create the ideal shape for your application.
  • A trusted partner can also help organize production to cut down on wasted material.

Maintain regulatory compliance

  • A converter that is ISO 13485 certified has proven they will adhere to strict guidelines to ensure quality control and help you avoid any regulatory issues.

Streamlining product development

Transdermal patch development is a complex process with a lot of hurdles to overcome before you can get products into the hands of your customers. That’s why the best go-to-market approach is often to seek out a converting partner that offers full service private labeling for every aspect of your patch. For example, The Tape Lab can formulate safe stick-to-skin adhesives, laminate materials to create the finished patch, die-cut patches to the appropriate size and even package products for patch manufacturers. This allows us to act as a one-stop shop for all your transdermal patch production needs. Consider partnering with a trusted converter early in the product development process so you can streamline manufacturing and achieve commercial production faster.

Are you looking to develop transdermal patches and expand your business? Contact The Tape Lab and put our knowledge and industry-leading capabilities to work for you.

Manufacturing CBD patches: An introduction for product developers

Woman applying a nicotine patch to her arm.

CBD products absolutely exploded in popularity in recent years, and the market doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. In 2021, the CBD market is estimated at around $3.5 billion, but is expected to grow to nearly $13.4 billion by 2028. Because CBD is still relatively new, there is ample opportunity for manufacturers to introduce new products — like CBD adhesive patches — and gain significant market share. Manufacturing CBD patches requires a thoughtful approach that balances product performance needs and overall user experience. Here’s a quick introduction to help product developers create CBD patches quickly and efficiently.

Why manufacture CBD patches?

There are a lot of CBD products on the market: gummies, lotions, tinctures, vaporizers, oils and much more. So, why would consumers want CBD patches in particular? As it turns out, transdermal CBD patches offer a number of advantages over other products, including:

  • Avoids the “First Pass Effect” where the body’s metabolism limits the effectiveness of oral drugs
  • Consistent doses (compared to variable or hard-to-measure doses using CBD lotion or similar products)
  • Feels more professional/medical
  • Controlled and consistent release of CBD compounds
  • Easy to apply and remove

Types of CBD patches

From a manufacturing perspective, there are two main types of CBD patches: matrix patches and pre-dosed patches.

Matrix patches – These patches are typically composed of five distinct layers (peel-off liner, matrix layer, separating layer, adhesive layer, backing layer) and start working instantly because the CBD is infused directly into the matrix layer that touches the skin.

Pre-dosed patches – The most common type of CBD patches on the market, these patches typically have fewer layers because the CBD is compounded into the adhesive and not infused into the patch itself. The CBD level is controlled and evenly distributed on the patch to release a steadier CBD delivery rate compared to the tapered release experienced with matrix patches. Also, the pre-dosed CBD patches are absorbed by the skin and avoid the “first pass effect” by not utilizing the GI tract.

The type of design used can impact product performance. So, engineers will need to think critically about product goals before choosing a specific type of patch. Many CBD patches are made with permeation enhancers to help CBD cut through skin’s natural defenses and reach the bloodstream. The strength of CBD patches can vary from 0.5mg up to 120mg or more.

Manufacturing challenges

Manufacturing CBD patches requires engineers to overcome many of the same challenges associated with other types of stick-to-skin products. Product developers need to consider the impact adhesives have on user comfort, how to ensure user mobility and how to design products that are as discreet as they are effective. Here are just some of the challenges that will need be addressed when designing and manufacturing CBD patches:

  • Adhering patches to a dynamic surface like skin that has varying textures, elasticity and other factors that can impact product performance
  • Achieving strong enough holding power to stay affixed during long wear-times, but still easy to remove with one hand without causing significant discomfort
  • Managing moisture from sweat, water and natural oils without compromising adhesive performance
  • Ensuring the product is “breathable” enough so it doesn’t damage skin

An experienced converter can help product developers choose the appropriate materials and adjust designs to craft effective CBD patches that users will want to wear.

For insights on how to bring stick-to-skin products to market quickly and efficiently, download our ebook, Designing and Producing Wearable Stick-to-Skin Products.

Tailoring products to user preferences

To create the perfect CBD patch, engineers need to fully understand who their customers are and why they are using these products in the first place. This can be challenging as CBD products have become so mainstream that they are commonly used by people across all demographics and for a variety of purposes. For instance, some athletes use CBD to aid in their recovery process, and many professionals use it to destress after a long day. What does this type of more casual use say about how these products should be designed? On the other hand, some people use CBD as part of their medical care, seeking to reduce seizures, provide pain relief and even assist in cancer treatment. What kind of design, packaging and materials considerations are most appropriate for these types of users? By considering these kinds of questions, product developers can create CBD patches that are perfectly tailored to user preference and needs.

Opportunity awaits

In a growing market with customers who are willing to try new things, CBD patches represent a tremendous opportunity for manufacturers. The key is figuring out how to create these innovative products quickly and on budget. By partnering with an experienced converter that can help design, develop and manufacture CBD patches, health and wellness brands can capture market share and position themselves for significant growth in the years ahead.

Have an idea for a new CBD product? The Tape Lab has the knowledge, experience and capabilities to bring your vision to life. Contact us to see how we can help you gain traction in the CBD market.

The importance of converter experience and service excellence

Industrial Customized Adhesive Products

When searching for a tape converter, the most important factor to consider is obviously whether a company has the converting capabilities you need. Do they have the right equipment, sufficient capacity and personnel to get the job done? But in truth, any converter worth their salt will generally have the same overall capabilities, outside of specialty needs. So, the real difference between converter companies lies in their experience, the quality of customer support they can provide and their relationships with the material suppliers whose products they convert for your application. These factors provide real value to customers and should be considered thoughtfully as you make your decision.

The value of experience

Whether you’re looking to create products for the healthcare industryindustrial markets or fashion and entertainment industry, you can’t discount the value of an experienced tape converter partner. A company that has true expertise in materials science will be able to create efficiencies and control costs from prototype concepting all the way through commercial production. A staff of true engineering professionals will be able to help you identify solutions with product design, selecting the appropriate materials and anticipating problems before they impact project timelines. This will reduce the overall cost of product development and help increase speed to market.

When a converter not only understands your product needs, but also the industries you’re targeting, they can offer advice on design and materials decisions so you can create products that truly make an impact in the market. But that level of understanding only comes from experience.

Experience can be a hard thing to qualify, but there are signs that a converter has the experience and expertise you need to create quality products with speed and efficiency. Here are some things to look for when searching for an experienced tape converter:

Relationships with suppliers – Do they have strong partnerships with leading materials suppliers so they can help you source materials at scale and ensure they will be able to deliver those materials on time and in sufficient quantities?

Understanding of process from prototype to scale – Can they help with the entire product development cycle or are they only equipped to execute finished designs?

Quality certifications for your target industries – Do they have the proper qualifications to ensure you are meeting all regulatory requirements?

Support can be critical

Every manufacturer in the market today relies on a host of vendors — from software providers to marketing agencies — to help run their business. But when you encounter a problem in your product development process, you don’t need just another vendor. You need a true partner. The level of custom support a converter provides can be critical for keeping project timelines on track and helping you work through major issues.

When evaluating potential partners, consider this: When you pick up the phone to make a call, do you have direct access to engineering professionals who can help you solve problems on the spot? Or will you be talking to customer service reps who simply manage calls, and you’ll have to wait for someone more knowledgeable to get back to you? When speed is a necessity, you can’t sit around waiting for answers. In these instances, the level of support a company provides has a real and immediate impact on your ability to deliver the project on time and achieve product performance goals. Be sure to ask any potential partner about their full service, end to end engineering and support services and how they will be able to nurture your project from start to finish.

The right tape converter is out there

When looking for a tape converter that can meet your needs, it’s important to go beyond the specific services they offer. By also considering a company’s experience and support, you can eliminate a lot of headaches and streamline product development. Asking the right questions and not settling for just another vendor will allow you to stay within budget, speed time to market and ultimately achieve your product goals.

Looking for a true converting partner you can count on? Contact The Tape Lab to see how our experienced team can help bring your ideas to life.