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How The Tape Lab Helped Dryft Sleep Launch Their Female-Focused Mouth Tape In Less Than 6 Months

How The Tape Lab Helped Dryft Sleep Launch Their Female-Focused Mouth Tape In Less Than 6 Months

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Modern-day life is wired in such a way that our well-being gets hammered, especially our sleep. With 8-12 hour workdays, constant screen time, and bad eating habits our sleep usually is second to everything else. About 70 million people in the US alone suffer from some form of sleep-related issue.

Poor Sleep leads to poor quality of life, lower productivity, a decline in mental health, and increased healthcare costs. Dryft Sleep is a fairly young brand that intends to change that and is driven to improve sleep wellness among women (and alsomen) by offering solutions that are innovative, affordable, and effective.

The Challenge – Finding A Mouth Tape “For Women”

Dryft Sleep was originally founded to find a solution to significantly improve sleep wellness for women. Both owners are passionate about Mouth Taping and the sleep benefits that come with sleeping with a closed mouth.

Mouth tape promotes better sleep through nasal breathing instead of mouth breathing which helps with the following:

  1. Limited or no snoring!
  2. No dry mouth while sleeping
  3. Reduced or no drooling while sleeping
  4. Improved lung capacity, which means a strong diaphragm and lungs
  5. Slower breathing, which can offer cardiovascular benefits
  6. Increased oxygen uptake while sleeping (more oxygen in your blood = less brain fog!)
  7. Reduced intake of airborne particles while sleeping (the nose is just so naturally good at filtering those things out!)
  8. More humidified inhaled air, which makes your naturally moist lungs very happy 🙂
  9. Some nasal breathers even see improvements to the shape and angularity of their jaw line over time, making you look that much perkier in the morning
  10. And (last, but definitely not least), good beauty sleep can mean a glowing complexion in the morning and (dare, we say!) a hunger for the day ahead!

Mouth tape promotes improved sleep quality and a measurable improvement in core wellness parameters such as mouth hygiene, hormonal balance, hydration, and digestion. However, finding a mouth tape suitable for women proved to be a challenge. They discovered that most of the available options were designed for men.

The Solution & Key Outcomes

While evaluating manufacturers that could help bring their idea to life, Dryft reached out to The Tape Lab . The goal was to transform Dryft’s idea into a sellable product as soon as possible. Together we achieved the following outcomes:

  1. The Best of Form & Function – Inspired by wrinkle reduction facial patches, they wanted something that offered the best of aesthetics and practicality. A product that looked and felt like a quality beauty product while delivering the benefits of mouth taping. The Tape Lab recommended using nonwoven spun lace. The high-quality tape offered several key benefits such as no irritation and no post-use residue on the skin. The nonwoven material allowed the tape to be easily manufactured in Dryft’s proprietary shape mimicking the curves of a woman’s lips.
  2. Ready For Sale In Under 6 Months – Leveraging our strong industry relationships, The Tape Tab successfully located and secured the required materials quickly. In less than 6 months we were able to transform Dryft’s initial prototype drawings into a top-tier mouth tape ready for the end customer. Dryft was able to get their mouth tape to the market well within the launch deadline, and the fact that over 90% of the Dryft’s customer reviews have been 5-star is a testament to The Tape Lab’s commitment to delivering an excellent product that works as designed.
  3. Lower Production Cost – Being a premier stick-to-skin adhesive converter and manufacturer gives The Tape Lab the flexibility to procure core materials at favorable prices. This kept Dryft’s manufacturing costs well within the budgetary limits. Therefore, allowing them to offer high-quality mouth tapes at a competitive price.

How Stick-To-Skin Adhesives Are Helping Boost Sleep Wellness

It is almost a rarity to find a person who gets 7-8 hours of quality sleep daily. To make matters worse, the Pandemic led to further deterioration of sleep habits along with causing other health issues.

A recent study spanning 13 countries, found that 7 out of 10 people have faced sleep-related challenges since the pandemic began. The survey also indicates that women were more likely to experience sleep issues as compared to men. These issues could include a weakened immune system, high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes.

While nothing beats making a conscious effort to improve our sleep habits but leveraging innovative stick-to-skin solutions such as purpose-made mouth tapes can make the journey a lot easier towards better sleep wellness – for women and men of all ages. Next Step – Book A Free Consultation Looking for a full-service tape converter and adhesives specialist? Contact The Tape Lab today. Our experts will schedule an obligation-free call and explain how we can put our full suite of converting services to work for you.

Next Step – Book A Free Consultation

Looking for a full-service tape converter and adhesives specialist? Contact The Tape Lab today. Our experts will schedule an obligation-free call and explain how we can put our full suite of converting services to work for you.

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